Detailed Instructions

Tool Instructions

Introduction and Navigation

This interactive Coroner Tool has been designed for ease of navigation of the Annual Coroner statistics.

This online interactive statistical tool replaces the excel tool previously provided. It includes all the information provided in the previous tool, as well as several new graphs and features.

The tool enables you to compare multiple areas of interest, including coroner areas, regions or nationally. Please note, however, that coroners’ caseloads can vary greatly between areas depending, amongst other matters, on the profile of the area e.g. the number of hospitals, prisons and demography. Comparisons should therefore be treated with some caution.

The tool displays data which relate to coroner areas at the end of 2023. The data cover annual periods for the last twenty years (where collected) and include figures on deaths reported, inquests and post-mortem examinations, timeliness, and inquest conclusions.

If an area is selected which was amalgamated, for example, during 2014, then data for 2014 onwards only will be displayed. Previous years will not be displayed in tables and charts, which means the data are not available in this tool. For queries regarding former coroner areas please submit a request to the email address detailed on the Additional Information tab.

In order to access raw data and graphical visualisations, please click on the tab items on the left hand side of this page. Should you wish to remove this side panel at any time (for example to allow greater space for viewing of graphs), please click the three horizontal lines adjacent to the overall page title at the top of the screen.

Please report any issues with data; bugs identified or functionality issues to: who will be able to assist.

Selecting Coroner Areas/Regions

Using the two boxes on the Introduction tab you may select Coroner area(s) of interest. These selection options will apply your choice of area(s) to all tabs of the tool at once. You may either select a single coroner area(s) or region(s) in the first box; or by selecting a region in the second box all individual areas in the given region will be selected. Please note that selecting a region in the second box will overwrite all entries previously made in the first box.

To remove a Coroner area for selection, click on the relevant Coroner and press the backspace or delete button. You may also refresh your browser, to remove all selected entries.

Alternatively, you can also select/amend Coroners to view on each individual tab. Changing the area selected on each individual tab will not affect selections made on other tabs. Please note that there is no region select option on individual tabs.

If you wish to benchmark statistics for a given area, the region ‘England and Wales’ can be selected for comparison. This provides a useful average to compare to, or the relevant region total could also be compared to benchmark performance for a specific coroner area.

Please note that for the tab ‘Inquest Conclusions by Gender’ data can only be viewed for one Coroner area at a time. A separate selection will therefore need to be made on this tab.

Should you wish to view summary statistics for 2023 for one chosen area, please choose the Dashboard tab and select a relevant Coroner on this tab. The dashboard tab is not updated by the boxes selected above.

Data Tables

Data tables are presented on each tab to support the graphical output displayed. Where data is not available, a blank entry will be shown in each data table or on each graph. If data is not available for any variable in the table (for example where the Coroner area was not in existence during the given year) then no entry is shown.

By default each table is sorted by year. To sort the table by any other given column, simply click on the column heading. You can also search for a Coroner name, year or value by using the search box in the top right corner of the table.

To export a data table, in either CSV, Excel or PDF format, please use the buttons provided at the top left of each data table. You can also copy data to the clipboard by using the ‘Copy’ button, which can then be pasted into a word document or similar.

Graphical Output

Relevant graphs are shown on each page to enable comparison of trends across Coroner areas and years. To view exact data for each point/bar on a graph, hover the cursor over the relevant data point. The x and y values for the given point will be shown, as well as any legend information.

Legend entries can be toggled on/off for each graph. To remove a legend category (e.g. a particular Conclusion or Post-Mortem type), click on the relevant accompanying legend entry to the side of the plot.

To zoom in on data within a graph (for example to look at a particular year in a time series) click and drag the cursor on the plot to create a square to zoom in on. To return the graph to its original format, please use the ‘autosize’ button in the top right hand corner of the plot.


Maps showing key statistics for 2023 data can be accessed via the Maps tab. Please select one of six map choices from the drop down box, and allow up to 10 seconds for the map to load in the larger box on the page.

To view data for a specific coroner area on the map, hover over the selected area and left click the area. A popup will appear, showing the name of the area and the relevant percentage/figure for 2023 for the selected area. To close the popup, click the small ‘x’ in the popup box, or click anywhere else on the map. For smaller coroner areas (e.g. City of London), use the zoom functionality in the top left corner of the map to zoom in to be able to see the area. The map can also be moved by clicking and dragging anywhere on the map.

Underneath each map summary text will be displayed, outlining what the map is showing and identifying the maximum/minimum values for the given statistic in the current year.

Please note there is currently no export option to export the map. If you wish to save a copy of the map, please use your machine’s print screen functionality, or the snipping tool.


Select Map Type

Please allow up to 10 seconds for the map to load following selection

Please click the Instructions button below for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Map Output - 2023 Data

Coroner Dashboard

Coroner Select


Set out below are key summary statistics for your Coroner Area or Region of choice for 2023.
Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Deaths Elsewhere and Out of England Orders

Post-Mortems - Split of Standard and Non-Standard Types

Non-Standard Post-Mortems are those that require specialist skills, for example requiring a paediatric or pathologist specialist. Non-Standard Post-Mortems are charged at a higher rate; all other Post-Mortems are by definition considered Standard.

Average Time Taken Figures

This is an estimate based on all inquests closed in 2023.

Average Time Taken on Inquests

For a breakdown of inquest conclusions by gender or age please refer to the relevant tabs of this tool.

MHA = Mental Health Act

Headline Data

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Deaths Reported and Overall Data - Absolute

Post-Mortems Conducted and Inquests Opened as a Percentage of Total Deaths Reported


Time Taken on Closed Inquests

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Time Taken for Closed Inquests, 2023

Estimated Mean Time to Complete Inquests - Time Series

Estimated Mean Time to Complete Inquests, 2023

Time Taken to Complete Inquests

Time Taken on Inquests Open as at 31 December

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Time Taken on Inquests Still Open, 2023

Inquests Still Open

Post-Mortem Data

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Standard and Non-Standard Post-Mortems

Please note that all remaining Post-Mortems for each Coroner area are by definition non-standard. Where no bar is shown there is no data available for the given Coroner area in the given year because the Coroner area did not exist or was not in the current configuration (for example, has since merged) at that time.

Post-Mortems involving Histology, Toxicology and Less-Invasive Procedures

Post-Mortem Bar Chart - 2023

Post-Mortem Data


1. Non-Standard Post-Mortems are those that require specialist skills, for example requiring a paediatric or pathologist specialist. Non-Standard Post-Mortems are charged at a higher rate.
2. Data in respect of Post-Mortems involving toxicology and or histology was not collected prior to 2010.
3. Data in respect of Post-Mortems where less-invasive procedures have been used was first collected in 2016. This data fluctuates significantly between Coroner areas due to a number of circumstances, and as such figures should be used with caution. For more information please refer to the Coroners Statistics bulletin.

Deaths Elsewhere

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Out of England Orders Bar Chart

Deaths Elsewhere Bar Chart

Out of England Orders and Deaths Elsewhere - Data


1. To take a body of a deceased person out of England and Wales, notice must be given to the coroner within whose area the body is lying. This notice allows the coroner to consider whether an investigation is necessary. When the coroner gives permission for the removal of the body an Out of England order is issued.
2. Deaths Elsewhere are those deaths that have occurred outside of England and Wales and have been subsequently reported to (and investigated by) a coroner in England and Wales.

Inquest Conclusions

Select Coroner Area and Conclusion Type to view

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Time Series of Inquest Conclusions

Comparison of a number of conclusion types across a number of Coroner areas will lead to the above graph becoming unreadable. To compare conclusion types across a number of Coroner areas for the current year, please refer to the bar chart below.

Inquest Conclusions in 2023 by Conclusion Type

Prevention of Future Death Reports Issued in 2023

Summary of Inquests Concluded in Year - Data

Inquest Conclusions by Gender - 2023

Filter Options

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Summary of Inquests Concluded in Year - by Gender

Note: All Other Conclusions includes the following verdicts: unclassified, killed lawfully or unlawfully, self-induced abortion, lack of care/self-neglect, want of attention at birth, stillbirth, disaster.
If a category is missing from the above chart then there were no inquest conclusions (male or female) in this category in the current year.

Summary of Inquests Concluded in Year - by Gender

Inquest Conclusions by Age - 2023

Filter Options

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Summary of Inquests Concluded in Year - Age

Please note that prior to 2008 data was not collected on the age of the deceased in concluded inquests. Entries for years prior to 2008 in the table below are therefore blank.

Summary of Inquests Concluded in Year - by Age

Deaths in State Detention

Select Coroner Area

Please click the Instructions button for more details on the statistics shown or usage of this app, or for general help:

Deaths in State Detention Recorded in 2023

For 2015-2017 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards data distorts the overall trend. To remove this bar please deselect 'Detention under DOLS' in the legend to the right of the chart.
Please note that prior to 2011, data was not collected on Deaths in State Detention. Therefore the table below all years prior to 2011 will show zero entries.

Deaths in State Detention Data (All Years)

Frequently Asked Questions


Please see below answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered by the below, or the Detailed Instructions tab, please contact the coroners team on:

Q: How do I select coroner areas or regions to compare across all graphs and tables in the tool? A: Please navigate to the Introduction tab and select coroner areas from the drop down box. This will automatically update all other tabs; excluding the ‘Coroner Dashboard’ and ‘Inquest Conclusion by Gender’ tabs, which require you to enter a single coroner area on the specific tab.

Q: How do I remove a coroner area or region from selection? A: Please click on the required coroner area or region in the drop down box (either on the Introduction tab, or each specific data tab). Then press either the ‘delete’ or ‘backspace’ button on your keyboard. The graphs and tables on the tab will then automatically update.

Q: How do I compare all coroner areas in a given region?“ A: Please navigate to the Introduction tab and select a region in the second drop down box. This will then automatically update the first drop down box with all coroner areas in the region, as well as selecting the region itself (summary data).

Q: How do I see statistics for a legacy coroner area that has now merged or been discontinued? A: Please refer to the coroner CSV file and supporting metadata, available from the coroner statistics collection page. Please email the coroner returns mailbox for any queries regarding this data. Please refer to the Area Changes tab for information on coroner area amalgamations and discontinuations since 2000.

Q: I want to download and/or print a table of data created using the tool. How do I do this? A: To download data in any table of this tool, please use the action buttons on the top left of each table. Data can be exported to a csv file, excel, or pdf. Data can also be copied to the clipboard (e.g. to paste into a report) or printed directly from the tool using the print button.

Q: I want to download and/or print a graph of data created using the tool. How do I do this? A: To download a graph as a png (image) file, please go to the top right of the plot area, and click on the ‘camera’ icon. This will then open a pop-up window, with the option to save or open the image file. To print this image, simply open in an image editor (e.g. Microsoft Pictures or Paint) and select the print option.

The plot can also be copied using a screen capture, such as the ‘Print Screen’ button or the Snipping Tool

Q: Can I use data tables or graphs created using the tool in reports or documents that I am creating? A: You are permitted to use all data published by the Ministry of Justice in internal and external reports. However, please provide an appropriate reference or footnote for the source of the data. Should you be uncertain at any point, please do not hesitate to contact the coroner returns mailbox.

Q: I zoomed into a graph and now I can’t get it back to the default scale showing all the data. How do I do this? A: To zoom into a graph, you can either select an area of the graph by clicking or dragging the cursor, or by using the zoom buttons in the top right coroner of the plot (+ or - signs respectively).”,

To return the graph to the default, please go to the top right corner of the graph and click the ‘autoscale’ icon. This icon is a picture of four arrows pointing outwards, and hovering over the icon will confirm that it is the ‘autoscale’ option if needed.

Q: There’s too much data on the graph, I can’t see specific areas clearly. What can I do? A: If the graph becomes too ‘busy’, you have three options to make things clearer:

  • Zoom into a specific area of the graph (i.e. to a specific year or coroner area) using the methods outlined in the Q/A above.
  • Select fewer coroner areas and regions for display. You can remove selected areas/regions using the method outlined in the Q/A above.
  • Toggle specific legend categories to remove lines or bars from the chart. To do this, navigate to the legend on the right hand side of the graph and click on the category that you want to remove. This will then remove all lines/bars from that category, reducing the amount of data shown on the graph. To restore the data, simply click on the particular category in the legend again.

Q: How do I zoom in or out of the map? A: To zoom in/out, use the +/- buttons in the top left corner of the map object. Please note when zooming in some coroner boundaries will not properly meet (i.e. there will be white space on the map) - this is due to simplification of area shapes in order for faster map loading.

Q: How do I see data or details for each coroner area on the map? A: To view data for a specific area, please simply click on the chosen area on the map. A popup will appear, showing the name of the area and the relevant statistics for that area. To close the popup, please click the small x in the top right hand corner, or click anywhere else on the map.

Note that for some areas you may need to zoom the map first, in order to select the area. Use the +/- buttons in the top left of the map to zoom, and click and drag anywhere on the map to pan across the map.

Q: How do I export a copy of the map for use in my document/report? A: Please use the snipping tool or print screen functionality of your computer. There is currently no further export option available for map outputs.

Q: How do I access detailed instructions on using this tool? A: Please refer to the Detailed Instructions tab.

Q: How do I find out more about coroner statistics, or view commentary on annual trends?A: Please view the latest coroner statistical bulletin, available from the collection page here. Trends and commentary for the current year can be viewed in the main bulletin. For technical information relating to the data, including common definitions, please refer to the supporting guidance document.

Q: How do I report any problems with data or functionality of the tool; suggest improvements; or request for additional users to be added to the tool? A: Please email:

Area Changes

Changes to Coroner Areas since 2000

This page details the changes to Coroner Area that have been effected since 2000:

*becomes a single-coroner county


1. Where a Coroner area has been changed only data for the new Coroner area is shown - for historic data relating to prior areas please consult earlier (excel-based) versions of the tool.

Additional Information

Additional Information for Coroner Statistical Tool

Related statistics

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes statistics on registered deaths in England and Wales, available here

Statistics on cause of death are available on the ONS website

The ONS also publish population estimates, including breakdowns by age, sex, ethnic group and marital status, available here

Any feedback on this statistical tool is welcome. Please direct any suggestions or bugs found to: